January 31, 2010

Ranting of Revered Robertson

The Reverend Pat Robertson, he who claims to converse one on one with God, now says that the tragedy in Haiti is retribution for a deal reached with the devil centuries ago by the forebears of the current stricken Haitian people.

From what I have heard and read from this man of the cloth, this should be categorized as a cross between dangerous and ludicrous with more than a little narrow-mindedness, bigotry and senility thrown in.

It sounded to me like a re-make of The Devil and Daniel Webster or more recently The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

His nonsensical claim however is shoddier as it endeavors to explain away the horrific death and destruction of a helpless poverty stricken people by introducing a fallacious claim that two hundred plus years ago their Haitian ancestors made a contract with the devil to throw out the French.

Assuming the Deity chose to get involved in human tragedy: you would have thought He would have had some previous reaction to Genocide in Africa, the Holocaust in Europe or the Tsunami catastrophe in Asia. And yet history, modern and written, does not bear this out: not since Joshua at Jericho at least.

Moreover, the esteemed Reverend’s ranting if considered logically would align the Creator with slaveholders and that, even to real fundamentalists, must, by definition be anathema. Well, maybe not to all of the Revered Robertson’s flock.

Or did Robertson forget God's Covenant with Noah never to destroy the world again; or perhaps he thinks that only applies to floods? Perhaps he believes the Mississippians and Louisianans had a similar contract and therefore Katrina and its aftermath was truly a quasi-legal matter? Now that is predestination!

On the other hand, any time you can make an argument that ends up with blaming the French, there just might be a scintilla of reason!

But I’ll leave that discussion for some other time.

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